What makes Center Stage Connections different from other professional development?

my training and coaching approach


  1. What you say (content/message/capabilities):

    • Differentiate your business/your work by clarifying your Secret Sauce (3-5 ways that define what you do)

    • Identify and hone Sticky Story Nuggets that SHOW (not tell) how you solve a problem, fill a need, or make a difference with your clients or people you serve

  2. How you say it: (delivery):

    • Learn actor tools for preparation, physical and vocal presence, listening, self-doubt

    • Learn presentation skills for pacing, pauses, Q&A, audience engagement

  3. Why your audience should listen (what you say + how you say it)

    Practice and receive immediate feedback on:

    • Content (what sticks, where you can go deeper, where you need more clarity)

    • Delivery (how you’re saying it ie. filler word habits, physical habits, pacing, pauses)

SO…you know what to say and how to say it when talking to clients, colleagues, and people you serve

15-minute calls are complimentary. Click HERE so we can chat about your needs and see if we are a good fit for each other.